To be honest, this review may not be what you're actually looking for simply because it's not going to sugarcoat the PortalFeeder membership as some kind of haven where you'll be up and running and making plenty of money before your first month's membership is due.
PortalFeeder Review
Sure, I'm a member at PortalFeeder and have been since day one and am on the mentoring staff and would love to see you join us when the doors open towards mid March.
But one of the saddest things I see is the number of people who have joined PortalFeeder when they've opened their doors in the past and disappeared without a trace within the first month because it wasn't an instant cash producing environment.
What is?
Seriously, to build and sustain a business one needs to create a solid foundation first and that is tied in with a learning curve. No matter which way you look at it it needs to be mastered.
Last year during the Wordpress Bootcamp, the learning curve issue surfaced in a big way. Along with Jason Katzenback, the majority of members struggled with the training but the encouraging and wonderful aspect was many did grin and bear it and are all the better for it now.
Some fell by the wayside not because they were afraid to work, it was simply a matter of not knowing the basic fundamentals; stuff many experienced internet marketers take for granted. To the inexperienced brigade, the basic stuff is a mountain to climb and watching the reactions of the students you know which ones are going to make it.
The bootcamp was just a small part of last year's training but highlighted the need to revamp the training. That's what's happened and it will be available to new members when they join. In fact, the training has been segmented into a division for the newbies and one for the more experienced marketer.
But if you're thinking PortalFeeder is the answer to paying off that home mortgage to avoid foreclosure within a month or your one way ticket to fast money you're better off continuing to buy those $47-$97 ebooks. It's not for you.
Portal Feeder is for the serious business builder who wants to build an asset. One of my fellow mentors recently report selling an original PortalFeeder site for five figures. That's what we mean by assets. Something tangible that adds wealth to your online portfolio.
If you want to build several streams of income online and get the guidance, information, tools and resources to make it easier and faster, then you need to take the first step to making 2009 your year by getting on the Portal Feeder Priority Announcement List.